
被称为卫斯理研究员,学生们报名参加 arete - KWU荣誉计划 will sharpen their already excellent creative thinking, 批判性分析和解决问题的能力,同时培养更大的求知欲,并与教授和同学自由交流思想. 他们将提高独立思考和工作的能力,同时有效地进行口头和书面沟通. And they will appreciate the world’s rich panorama because, by developing the ability to think outside of the box, they can see things from a variety of perspectives.

Applicable to all undergraduate academic majors

阿雷特” is the ancient Greek embodiment of excellence, morality, and virtue. It is the value of pushing oneself to be all that one can be. And it is implied in 千亿国际登录’s calling to “develop both intellect and character, 激发创造力, 发现, 培养整个人的身体, 心, and spirit” (quoted from the KWU Mission Statement). arete - KWU荣誉计划 seeks to bring out and to develop these characteristics to their fullest among our students.

为什么要申请荣誉课程? Personal engagement, intellectual involvement and a sense of community!

The Honors Program is an interdisciplinary program featuring unique courses, 研讨会, 讨论会和独立研究或表演的机会,以支持该计划和千亿国际登录的使命. 课程规模通常更小,更深入的研究,包括来自各个学科的教师和嘉宾的各种观点. Courses often have significant reading assignments and are conducted to encourage academic rigor.

What do our past and current Wesleyan Fellows say?

  • “对于任何想要挑战自我的人来说, 荣誉课程正迅速成为培养学生成为世界领袖的有效途径.”
  • “荣誉课程为我提供了批判性思维技能,我将能够在我的余生中使用.”
  • “荣誉课程在很多方面都给我带来了挑战,帮助我更深入地研究专业以外的不同主题. The classes have greatly increased many of my skills that help me in all of my other classes, 比如研究, 批判性思维, 阅读分析, 还有更多.”
  • “我真的很喜欢小班教学,因为这样可以个性化学习,我可以更多地分享我的想法. I also like that I am encouraged to think out of the box.”
  • “If you’re seeking to challenge yourself as a student and as an individual, 那么荣誉课程就是为你准备的.”


进入荣誉课程是通过教师提名和荣誉课程委员会批准的邀请. Students interested should contact the 招生 Office or their faculty advisors. 通常, 被邀请参加该计划的学生ACT综合成绩(或同等成绩)至少为25分,高中(或大学)累计GPA为3分.5.


  • Mentoring relationships with faculty, administration and local professionals
  • Additional assistance in employment and graduate school applications and scholarships
  • An “Honors Program” designation on your transcript
  • Opportunities to meet speakers, guests and performers hosted by 千亿国际登录
  • Opportunities to use leadership skills in campus issues of interest
  • When appropriate, opportunities to engage in research with faculty
  • Credit in Liberal Studies Electives Section (dependent on content)
  • 每学期优先注册
  • “卫斯理会会员”称号


Courses are available each semester and vary in topic, rotated to emphasize different areas of knowledge. Topics will include such themes as: Leadership; Critical Analysis; Global Awareness; and Impacting the Future. 参加荣誉课程, a student must be a Wesleyan Fellow or have special permission from the course instructor.


  1. 被荣誉课程录取.
  2. Be a member of the Honors Program in good standing at the time of graduation.
  3. 完成全部18学分, in the order listed in the Program Requirements and Course Description above.



*HONR110 -领导力荣誉研讨会(满足一门个人意识的通识课程要求*)- 3学分.

*HONR150 -批判性分析荣誉研讨会(满足人类表达的一项通识教育要求*)- 3学分. 先决条件:ENGL120或同等学历.

*HONR250 -全球意识荣誉研讨会(满足社区和世界探索的一项通识教育要求)- 3学分

*HONR270 -影响未来荣誉研讨会(满足自然世界管理方面的一项通识教育要求*)- 3学分.

HONR310 — Honors Issues (a problem-solving course with changing sub-topics) — 3 credits.

HONR499 -高级荣誉项目(可能与学生专业部门必修的499高级论文/项目课程交叉列出)- 3学分.



*HONR110 Honors Seminar in Leadership – 3 Credit Hrs. ——春天
在这个荣誉课程中, 作为一名荣誉学生,学生将发展出一种自己是谁的意识,以及与这个目标和召唤相伴而来的责任. The purpose of the seminar is the explore leadership opportunities and to improve leadership skills. 我们将探索领导理论,以及研究个人可以做些什么来成为一个有效的领导者. Specific focus will be placed on 1) what makes an effective leader, 2)社会影响的方法, 3)管理小组互动. This course satisfies one Liberal Studies Requirement in Personal Awareness. 学生必须被我校荣誉课程录取或获得教授许可才能参加本课程.

*HONR 150 Honors Seminar in Critical Analysis – 3 Credit Hrs. - - - - - -秋天
批判性分析荣誉研讨会是一门带有可变子主题的课程,为荣誉学生提供了一个平台,在这里他们将发展必要的技能,利用这些技能来接触知识,并将自己区分为一个思想家. This knowledge will present itself in several forms – in both reading and writing, 当然, but also in the ongoing interaction and informed exchange of ideas among students. 本课程以论坛或研讨会的形式进行,特别旨在促进这种自由开放的交流. 通过批判性思维和解决问题, 学生将评估已经并将继续影响人类故事的各种重要问题和思想, 特别注意这些观点是如何发展的,以及他们的支持者和反对者是如何提出他们的论点的. 这样做的时候, students will engage primary and secondary sources, 彼此也一样, 评估重要论点的质量, 无论是在内容上还是在传递方式上. This course satisfies one Liberal Studies Requirement in Human Expression. 学生必须被我校荣誉课程录取或获得教授许可才能参加本课程. 额外先决条件:ENGL120或同等学历.

*HONR 250 Honors Seminar in Global Awareness – 3 Credit Hrs. ——春天
“全球意识的荣誉研讨会”是一门包含可变子主题的课程,为荣誉学生提供了一个平台,在这里他们将培养对他人的欣赏和超越自我的重要性. 本课程以论坛或研讨会的形式进行,旨在促进自由开放的交流. 通过批判性思维和解决问题的能力, 学生将评估各种重要的问题和想法,这些问题和想法已经并将继续影响个人与社区的关系, 本地和全球. 除了, 学生将有机会参与服务学习或社区服务项目,并反思这一经历. This course satisfies one Liberal Studies Requirement in Community and World Exploration. 学生必须被我校荣誉课程录取或获得教授许可才能参加本课程.

*HONR 270 Honors Seminar in Impacting the Future – 3 Credit Hrs. - - - - - -秋天
在这个荣誉课程中, the student will practice identifying and addressing complex world problems, in preparation for student-led problem-solving courses to follow. 主题各不相同, depending on the expertise and interests of the course facilitator, but will emphasize the interactions between humanity and environments, 关注具有全球影响的问题. 本课程满足自然世界管理通识课程的一项要求。学生必须被我校荣誉课程录取或获得讲师的许可才能参加本课程.

HONR 286 Special Topics Honors Seminar – 3 Credit Hours – On Demand
Interdisciplinary course open only to Honors students. 小班授课. 将包括深入的研究,并让学生接触到不同学科的教师和嘉宾的各种观点, focusing on a topic of a multidisciplinary nature. 与同等水平的典型课程相比,荣誉学生需要阅读更多具有挑战性和发人深省的材料,并与之互动. The pace and work is more rigorous and accelerated than a standard course. Because every offering of this course is different, enrollment may be repeated.

HONR 310 Honors Issues – 3 Credit Hours - - - - - -秋天 and/or Spring as needed
The issues course is directed by a faculty facilitator, but is primarily student-led. It is application in nature, with the goal of affecting public policy on real issues. The course involves group research and student development. Because every offering of this course is different, enrollment may be repeated.

HONR 499 Senior Honors Project – 3 Credit Hours – On Demand
Students complete an advanced project in an area of personal interest. The project typically results in a substantive paper and public presentation to an appropriate audience. Automatically cross-listed with any departmental 499 course, 经荣誉课程委员会批准,可与部门490课程交叉列出.


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